Friday, 9 December 2022

Challenge #243. Winners

πŸ† Welcome crafty friends! 😊 

Thank you for joining our challenges here at 
Creative Fingers & sharing your creations with us
πŸ’— Stay safe everyone! xoxo πŸ’—

Click hereπŸ”» to see our current challenge!


This challenge was sponsored by
our own DT Tindaloo!

πŸ† Prize Winner πŸ†

(drawn by random generator)

 u have double luck, both winner and in top 3!

No.74. Sweetpea.

Please email us at
  with 'CF Tindaloo Challenge #243. Winner' in the subject line,
along with the
3 image names/links you wish to get as your prize.
or copy/paste: DigiDoodleTindaloo{@}outlook{.}com ~ first remove all the brackets :)


β­πŸŽˆπŸ† TOP THREE πŸ†πŸŽˆβ­

Here is our DT Mari's Top 3 creations picks!
In order of entry

No.14. Auntysue

No.74. Sweetpea

No.102. Marlene


Well done everyone πŸ’— please take your badges
from the sidebar and proudly display them on your blog!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for choosing my card as one of the Top 3, congratulations to all the other winners. Marlene
